Friday, July 6, 2007

As we left Oswego, we glanced over the stern at the marina we had just left, and noticed the visibility was not so good. We remembered the sage advice, "Cheer up, things could be worse."

So we cheered up, and sure enough things got worse.

It didn't look bad as we passed the Oswego light house, but soon the visibility was down to about a quarter of a mile. We then noticed that all those early riser fishermen liked to fish in a spot right on our course! Luckily the radar we had installed before starting this journey is a very good one, and we had a perfect picture on our screen of the flotilla hidden in the fog. The radar will even track many targets simultaneously and determine if any are collision risks. Love that technology.

After about an hour the fog began to lift, and a fresh breeze sprang from the west. What a great opportunity to try our our sail. It is not much more than a handkerchief, but it does have a steadying effect in a beam wind.

Our five hour sail to Sackets Harbor was very satisfying, and we felt a new sense of freedom from the constraints of canals and rivers. Here we're out of sight of land for hours and we're able to take any heading and find any port of our choosing.

We are in a very nice marina in Sackets Harbor now, and a very interesting town it is. We took a short bike ride into town and visited an interesting museum, but a thunderstorm cut our tour short. We plan to devote all day tomorrow (Saturday) to touring the town and will send some pictures tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Marco & Virginia said...

Your sail looks very colorful. Glad it worked well. Love M&V